The full list of CAT tools on the market

If you are a translator, a translation agency, or a global enterprise that needs to communicate in multiple languages, you might have heard of CAT tools. But what are they, and how can they help you with your translation projects?

CAT stands for Computer-Assisted Translation, and CAT tools are software applications that help translators work faster, more efficiently, and more accurately. CAT tools are not the same as machine translation (MT) tools, which automatically translate text from one language to another. CAT tools assist human translators by providing various features, such as:

  • Translation memory ™: A database that stores previous translations and suggests them for reuse when similar or identical segments appear in new texts. This saves time and ensures consistency across translations.
  • Terminology management: A system that allows translators to create and maintain glossaries of terms and phrases that are specific to a domain, client, or project. This helps translators use the correct terminology and avoid errors or inconsistencies.
  • Quality assurance (QA): A function that checks translations for errors, such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting, or compliance with style guides. This improves the quality and professionalism of translations.
  • Pre-translation: A feature that automatically fills in segments with existing translations from TM or MT before the translator starts working on them. This reduces the amount of manual work and speeds up the translation process.
  • Collaboration: A capability that enables translators to work together on the same project, share resources, communicate, and provide feedback. This enhances teamwork and productivity.

There are many CAT tools available on the market, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some CAT tools are cloud-based, which means they run on a web browser and store data online. Others are desktop-based, which means they run on a computer and store data locally. Some CAT tools are free to use, while others require a subscription or a license fee.

To help you choose the best CAT tool for your needs, we have compiled a full list of CAT tools on the market in 2023. We have categorized them by type (cloud or desktop), suitability (documents, websites, software/apps), and pricing (free or paid). We have also highlighted some of the main features and benefits of each tool.

Here is the full list of CAT tools on the market in 2023:

Cloud-based CAT tools


Type: Translation Management System, CAT tool Suitable for: Documents, Marketing Content Who Uses It: Marketing Agencies, Global Enterprises, Translators Pricing: Free 14-Day Trial (Subscription starts at $125 per month after trial)

Redokun is a cloud-based CAT tool that specializes in translating documents and marketing content. It is very easy to use and requires minimal training. It allows users to organize and manage their project files using folders just like in Google Drive. It also offers smart revisions for quick and last-minute changes to the original document. Redokun supports seamless collaboration, import, and export features. It can pre-translate documents based on various databases (e.g., translation memories, machine translation). You can watch a demo of Redokun here.


Type: Translation Management System, CAT tool Suitable for: Marketing Content, Website Assets Who Uses It: Marketing Agencies, Global Enterprises, Translators Pricing: Starts from $249 per month (more details here) Free Trial: Freemium

Smartcat is a cloud-based CAT tool that covers all the basic features of a CAT tool, such as translation memory, terminology management, quality assurance, pre-translation, and collaboration. It also supports integration with various software and tools you may already be using. You can download their design application plugins to translate content from Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, and Figma. Smartcat also has an integrated vendor marketplace where you can find and hire translators for your projects. You can also automate billing and international transactions through Smartcat. You can watch a demo of Smartcat here.


Type: Translation Management System, CAT tool Suitable for: Documents, Website Assets Who Uses It: Translation Agencies, Global Enterprises Pricing: Starts from $54 per month (more details [here]) Free Trial: Available

memoQ is a cloud-based CAT tool that offers advanced features for professional translators and translation agencies. It has a powerful translation memory system that can handle complex linguistic scenarios and multiple languages. It also has a sophisticated terminology management system that can handle synonyms, antonyms, abbreviations, acronyms, etc. memoQ also provides quality assurance features that can check for consistency, completeness, accuracy, style guide compliance etc. memoQ also supports pre-translation and collaboration features. You can watch a demo of memoQ [here].

Desktop-based CAT tools

SDL Trados Studio

Type: Translation Management System, CAT tool Suitable for: Documents, Website Assets Who Uses It: Translation Agencies, Global Enterprises Pricing: Approximately $2,933 to buy the license (more details [here]) Free Trial: Available

SDL Trados Studio is a desktop-based CAT tool that is widely used by translation agencies and global enterprises. It is one of the most comprehensive and feature-rich CAT tools on the market. It suggests translations based on various databases (e.g., translation memories, machine translation). It also provides useful translator tools like predictive typing, spellchecker, punctuation check, etc. SDL Trados Studio has a relatively complex interface and requires a steep learning curve. It also excludes support and maintenance fees from the one-time license fee. You can watch a demo of SDL Trados Studio [here].


Type: CAT tool Suitable for: Documents Who Uses It: Translators Pricing: Free

OmegaT is a desktop-based CAT tool that is free and open source. It is a simple and lightweight tool that supports basic features like translation memory, terminology management, quality assurance, and pre-translation. It also supports multiple file formats and languages. OmegaT is suitable for translators who want a free and easy-to-use CAT tool. However, it does not support collaboration or integration with other tools. You can watch a demo of OmegaT [here].


Type: CAT tool Suitable for: Documents Who Uses It: Translators, Translation Agencies Pricing: Starts from $400 to buy the license (more details [here]) Free Trial: Available

Wordfast is a desktop-based CAT tool that integrates with Microsoft Word. It is a fast and user-friendly tool that supports features like translation memory, terminology management, quality assurance, and pre-translation. It also supports multiple file formats and languages. Wordfast is suitable for translators and translation agencies who work mainly with Microsoft Word documents. However, it does not support collaboration or integration with other tools. You can watch a demo of Wordfast [here].


CAT tools are essential for translators who want to work faster, more efficiently, and more accurately. There are many CAT tools available on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can choose the best CAT tool for your projects.

We hope this list of CAT tools on the market in 2023 has been helpful for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at Premium Lingua. We are a professional translation agency that provides high-quality translation services in over 100 languages. We use the best CAT tools and technologies to ensure the best results for our clients.

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